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Finding Garden Benches: Get the Perfect Look for Your Garden
By Anne Clarke

Many outdoor benches are multi-purpose, for example, they can be used in city parks, in malls, as well as serving as great garden benches. In this article I will provide some examples of the many types and styles of garden benches available. However, there are even more than these to choose from:

Standard garden and park bench:

This kind of bench is sold most commonly six feet in length, but that is also available as short as four feet, redefines the traditional park bench style. The bench has a flat long seat and a wooden frame and legs. There is a gap between the bench seat and the bench seat back, however this is a very comfortable type of garden bench.

Deluxe park and garden benches:

Deluxe park and garden benches offer all the benefits of the standard benches, but add a graceful contour. Therefore your garden bench will be able to fit all body styles comfortably. The more comfortable the make, the easier it is for you to relax and enjoy your garden.

Elite park and garden benches:

These garden benches have a cultivated architectural form. They hold their high quality condition in bad weather, and are virtually maintenance free. They are made with a sustainable recycled plastic construction. They will add a touch of personal taste and beauty to your garden. And they are long lasting as well.

Contour park and garden benches:

Contour park and garden benches are constructed with sturdy type of recycled plastic lumber, and this lumber is firmly fastened to a heavy steel frame. Like all of the other benches I have mentioned, and those that I will mention, the size of the bench usually ranges between four and eight feet in length so you can purchase the perfect fit. These garden benches are not only pleasing to the eye but comfortable and stylish too.

Monarque park and garden benches:

This kind of garden bench is designed for those who require a lighter form of garden bench. However, they are very popular and nice to look at, as well as being a nice to rest in your garden.

Standard park, mall and garden benches:

Standard garden benches provide bench space with no extra frills. It is just garden seating with simplistic design. And this design allows the garden bench to complement virtually any architectural style surrounding it.

Deluxe mall, park and garden benches:

Deluxe mall, park and garden benches are available for more up-scale applications. Still using recycled plastic construction and maintenance free features, these garden benches are matched with aesthetics to be an attractive addition to any garden setting.

Elite mall, park and garden benches:

These elite mall, park and garden benches are designed with a slatted seat assembly that offers the look of freshly treated exotic wood. Wooden benches are very attractive in your garden, and these come especially designed to be long lasting, do not require maintenance and are splinter free. No up-scale garden should be without a bench with this kind of elegant and luxurious design. No matter what size you need.

Remember, because the garden benches I have mentioned are suitable for many purposes, you should choose the size of your bench based on where you want to put it, and assess how it will look in any specific place or places in your garden. Measure the perfect length for your garden benches to be before making any purchase, and choose the style that best fits your garden and you.


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