Stone Angel

Memorial Bench

Bench Granite

Bench Memorial

Bench Monument

Bench Stone

Bench Stones

Garden Bench Stone

Garden Stone Bench

Granite Bench

Monument Bench

Monument Benches

Stone Bench

Stone Bench For Garden

Stone Bench Garden

Stone Bench Seat

Stone Garden Bench

Memorial Monument

Cemetary Headstones

Monuments Cemetery

Tomb Stone Stone

Stone Cross

Headstones Grave Markers

Stone Etching

Grave Markers

Tombstone Gravestone

Monument Photos

Funeral Monument

Tombstone Headstone

Monuments Memorials

Stone Memorial

Memorial Monument

Monument Statue

Headstones Tombstones

Cost Headstone

Garden Stone Bench

Bench-Marker-Magnets Bench-Markers Bench-Memorial-Plaques Bench-Memorial
Bench-Marker-Magnets Bench-Markers Bench-Memorial-Plaques Bench Memorial
Bench-Memorials Bench-Monument Bench-Monuments Bench-Stone
Bench-Memorials Bench Monument Bench-Monuments Bench Stone
Bench-Stones Bronze-Bench-&-Tree-Markers Caesar-Stone-Bench Cast-Stone-Bench
Bench Stones Bronze-Bench-&-Tree-Markers Caesar-Stone Bench Cast-Stone Bench

Memorial Benches - A Special Place to Rest, a Place to Remember
By C Butcher

Memorial Benches are an ideal gift for a family, organization, or association, to honor someone who has passed. They are available in many different styles and materials, so it is easy to find an appropriate bench for any environment. They are at home in a garden, an arboretum, in an atrium, or even on a back porch, and they make beautiful reminders of the one who has past away.

When Nothing you can say is enough
It is heartbreaking to watch someone you care about lose a loved one. Nothing you can say or do will ever make that pain disappear. A fruit basket will be gone in a week, and a greeting card or flowers will be thrown away soon after the funeral. Memorial Benches, however, will become a part of your friend's permanent landscape, and your engraved words of encouragement or reminiscence will serve to lift spirits for years to come.

Benches in Many Styles
Once you have decided to shop for a Memorial Bench, you will find that they are available in as many styles as plain benches are. The choice you make will depend on where the bench will be placed, your ability to transport it, your budget, and personal preference. Granite or concrete benches, with the engraving directly on the seat or back are beautiful, reverent additions to a grave site, giving mourners somewhere to rest as they reminisce. Another option is concrete bench with niches to hold cremation ashes; in this case, the bench may become the gravestone as well.

Commemorate the passing of a favorite teacher, a dedicated coach, or a beloved administrator by donating memorial benches for the playground or courtyard of your school or church. These may be a gift from your family, or from a parents' group; a pair of oak or mahogany Memorial Benches with engraved Uprights make a lovely gift.

Another option is to donate Memorial Benches in the name of a loved one to place or organization that was dear to that person's heart. Give Memorial Bench with commemorative Uprights to a park to be placed next to a favorite fishing spot or along a boardwalk. Perhaps the honoree loved a certain public garden or loved flowers in general; you could even choose a favorite golf course or, of course, a quiet place at their church.

What to Engrave
Wherever you choose to place your Commemorative Bench, you will want to have it engraved with something meaningful. This could be a simple memorial statement that includes name and birth and death dates; it could be poem that was a favorite of your loved one, the words to a favorite song, or a portion of scripture or one of the Psalms. The choice is yours, as long as it is meaningful to you and to the recipient, your memorial benches will be greatly appreciated.

A bench offers a place to sit and think, a place to rest, a place to remember. This is what makes a memorial bench such a timeless gift, that will ensure that the spirit of the person being commemorated will not soon be forgotten.


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3986 Teakwood Dr, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5C 3T5
Tel:  905.615.0613



Memorial, Markers, Memorials, Mausoleum, Monument, Monuments, Headstone, Headstones, Head Stone, Head Stones, Tombstone, Tombstones, Grave Stone, Grave Stones, Gravestone,

Gravestones, Headstone, Memorial_Bench, Grave Markers, Tomb Stone, Tomb Stones, Memorial Headstones, Cemetery, Cemeteries, Grave, Graves, Graveyard, Burial

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